The Punishment Paradox

The  Punishment  Paradox

( A Fantasy For The Delightful Gia Milana )

I was the person Gia Milana called when she realized a Business Associate had forged her name on a handful of very important documents.  And in return for my expert assistance in getting her out of a nasty situation, the Lovely Lady agreed to be the "Special Gift" for my upcoming Birthday Weekend.

Gia and I are scheduled to meet this Thursday at a 4 Star Business Suite in Vegas at 3 PM.  And from then until 11 AM on Monday Morning ...  Gia will repay her debt by being my Pleasure Doll.  The lovely Lady is required to do as I tell her and dress as I tell her while entertaining me with her body, her sexual talents and her conversation skills.

When she agreed to pay this price for my legal assistance, Gia understood she was obligating herself to a Role Play Scenario known as a Punishment Paradox.  There are three specific rules Gia is required to follow during our weekend together.  But those rules are purposely designed to contradict each other.  So properly following Rules A & B will cause her to break C.  And so on.  And so forth.

So no matter how much of an obedient girl Gia is during our long weekend ...  She will break a rule which causes her to face an action which is both pleasure and torment.  But it is Gia who gets to choose what the pleasureful torments are.  Which means the girl can tailor them to situations she is able to enjoy.

As soon as I let her into my room on Thursday afternoon, Gia hands me 3 envelopes and then she steps into the bathroom to change into her outfit for this evening's dinner at a high quality restaurant.  And while the girl is showering, doing her makeup and putting on this evening's clothing ...  I take the time to carefully read her Torment & Pleasure Fantasies.

And once I've carefully considered each of the three fantasies, I take a marker pen and write A on one envelope, B on the second and C on the third.  Then I seal the envelopes with clear tape and place them on the counter.  So Gia is now in a position where she knows what each rule infraction is but she has no idea of how I've assigned them to the rules she might break.

Gia knows that if the hem of this evening's Dinner Outfit (Dress or skirt) falls to more than 6 inches below the tip of clit ...  She will have broken Rule A.

She also knows that she is required to wear Gartered or Thigh High Stockings and that she is not allowed to wear panties.  If she does not do as instructed, she will have violated rule B.

And she understands that if her stocking tops are showing when she stands, walks or sits down, this will violate rule C.

Gia is going to be both pampered and tormented numerous times this weekend.  And she understands that each form of torment will be something she has suggested.

What the girl doesn't know is how to make the torments fit her desires of that particular moment.  How to help the torments be varied enough that it won't be the exact same thing four nights in a row.  Because each evening, as Gia is getting dressed for dinner out ...  I will be putting her 3 suggestions into a into new envelopes and varying the order of the letters.  Or I might just be sneaky and leave them the same as the previous evening.

What was "A" yesterday might be "C" tonight and then back to "A" again tomorrow.

So while Gia might love having a Massive Steel Butt Plug of her choosing in her Lovely Ass for a Single Evening ...  Going through this activity 4 Nights In A Row could possibly be way more than the girl would wish to experience.  Or she might be hoping for that Butt Plug to be used on her at least one evening when we are together but the shifting of the letters each day causes her to never select the rule infraction that allows this to happen.

And there lies my fun in the Punishment Paradox.  No mater how Gil plays my game ...  The result is totally out of her hands.

I am making almost every choice.  And even though she does get to make the choice on which rule to break ...  She never knows if breaking that rule will provide what she most craves that day.

S. T. CLemmons

My Blunders At Chicago eXXXotica 2019

The most painful part of experiencing a short term emotional meltdown actually occurs once the individual is finally on the upswing.  While a meltdown is taking place, the person's attention is mainly focused on taking each problem one step at a time.  Find a workaround for the issue directly in front of you and then move onto getting back to the daylight again.

But once the meltdown is over and the brain starts to process information in a much more rational and comprehensive manner ... That is when the Guilt Monster rears its ugly head.  While rational thought is a really marvelous thing and you're very happy to have it back ...  After it finally does return is when you start to recognize the many numerous mistakes you made during the handful of days when the meltdown was going on.

While I did enjoy many elements of Chicago eXXXotica 2019, I was also dealing with a significant degree of physical discomfort that weekend.  On Friday Afternoon, it was a moderate sized sinus headache.  By Saturday Afternoon, the situation had evolved into a strong degree of tension in my neck and shoulders.  Which left me experiencing a significant amount of mental distraction.

So Saturday Evening as I was driving away from the event ...  I mistakenly left nearly $2,000 worth of camera equipment sitting in a large case on the pavement of the Parking Deck.  Realizing the mistake as soon as I got back to the Western Suburbs and began unpacking the car, I then lost hours of sleep as I retraced my steps and tried to find the missing equipment.

I finally gave up and allowed myself to climb into bed about 5 in the morning.  But I wound up getting barely more than 4 hours of slumber before I had to start getting ready for Sunday's edition of the event.

I received a phone call Sunday morning, from the Parking Deck Manager.  The case had been handed to him and everything was returned to me (in good condition) before that day's Trade Show began.  But I wound up having to function that afternoon on the bare essence of an emotional gas tank and a brain that was sputtering every step of the way.

Now looking at things from 20 / 20 hindsight ...  I should have just stayed home that weekend.  Because I clearly was not in a state of mind where I could properly interact with a large trade show full of people.  Mainly because my concept of personal boundaries became increasingly inconsistent as the weekend wore on.

I was occasionally standing too close to a model I found interesting.  And I was occasionally kissing someone on the hand or the cheek when I barely knew her and I hadn't asked for permission.

So while I was not being the type of Stupid Clod who gets himself tossed out of an Event because he can't keep his hands to himself ...  I clearly was the guy who was making too many social mistakes and causing a solid handful of people to be concerned about what my real intentions were.  And it was a good several days after the event, before my brain finally started putting the pieces together and realizing the true nature of how my weekend had been unfolding.

So I offer a sincere apology to anyone I interacted with in a less than appropriate manner.  I usually put a great deal of effort and attention into being a polite gentleman.  But on that particularly weekend, I failed on several occasions.


Erotic Movie Review: She's No Dummy

Gia  Milana

She's  No  Dummy

A “Doctor Adventures” Tale From BRAZZERS

Doctor Bambino’s work day has been on schedule and moving in the proper direction. Then life suddenly hands this fellow a rather odd twist as he’s returning from his lunch break.

As the man steps into his office, Bambino discovers that his new anatomically correct Teaching Dummy has arrived. And this is very good news for the man. The old one had most certainly seen better days and this new model is much more lifelike and easy to pose.

BUT ...

Did the shapely mannequin change the position of one of her hands while his back was turned for just a moment? Bambino sincerely remembers both arms loosely dangling by her side before he turned and took a few steps towards his desk. But now the right hand seems just an inch or two away from that perfectly formed artificial vagina.


This obviously has to be impossible.

This incredibly attractive Doll is little more than a bendable stainless steel skeleton ...

Covered by a shapely and squeezable silicone body ...

Then topped with a Betty Page style brunette wig?

And just for the sake of being silly, some smart ass decided to dress her in that skimpy knockoff of a nursing uniform before shipping the carton to him?

Or ...

Might this lovely synthetic body actually contain a human like personality which longs to be caressed and embraced by the handsome Doctor who has just opened her shipping crate. And if this is the nature of what she truly is ... How far will this lovely Doll go to gain the attention and affection she craves?

And the story plays out from there.

So far, I’ve only highlighted various bits and pieces of the first 5 minutes in this nicely produced 32 minute motion picture. But unfortunately ... If we take out the first 5 and the final 3 ... The remaining 24 minutes are a straight through Fuck & Suck Marathon between Gia Milana and Bambino.

And please don’t get me wrong. I’m all for showing a solid amount of sex during an X Rated Motion Picture. It’s just that the center part of this production was 2 dozen non stop minutes of the guy and the gal doing various forms of copulation.

And in this reviewer’s opinion, the plot line and pacing of this tale really needed a good 3 or 4 instances when Bambino’s enjoyment of the new Anatomy Doll were being occasionally interrupted by someone wanting his attention. Stop the sex for just a moment and show both the Doctor and the Doll being thoroughly frustrated by the fact that the two of them just can’t get a break.

What if a Nurse is needing some paperwork signed or a Delivery Man is worried he might have handed the Doctor the wrong crate. So now he’s making sure the Doctor was supposed to get the 6 foot tall box and not the smaller one that contained a new computer monitor. Or maybe the Nurse keeps realizing today’s mass of paperwork still needs one more signature.

And a small handful of these interruptions could have presented delightful situations where someone unexpectedly knocking on the door decides to spend a few seconds admiring the sensual perfection of the new Teaching Dummy. And the more Bambino tries to slyly ease this individual out the door, the more he or she seems determined to remain for just a few more seconds.

So during those instances where Bambino wants nothing more than to get his rocks off in as many ways as possible, the person who keeps knocking at the door keeps humorously delaying the man’s attempts at achieving satisfaction. And this would also allow the Doll to clearly show the intense degree of sexual frustration she is experiencing.

Because she’s not supposed to have feelings. But something about this good looking Doctor allows him to see her true nature and give her the opportunity to be almost perfectly human when the two of them are alone together. But then that third or fourth person keeps stepping into the room and this causes the gal to revert to nothing but an emotionless plastic life sized Action Figure when any eyes other than Bambino’s are focused on her.

And all of this commotion could have caused the actual sex to be twice as enjoyable for this viewer. Because it would have spaced everything out just a bit and allowed the love making between the two of them to sincerely feel stolen instead of just being an easy 30 minute fuck fest.

So on a scale of 1 to 5 Stars ...

The acting performance of Gia Milana and Bambino receives a full 5. Each is a good performer and the two of them dance together quite nicely.

The sound, lighting and camera work brings in another 4 Stars. While everything was properly credible, nothing came across as outstanding.

But the story plotting (with its long session of runway sex that grew old fairly quickly) is being handed only 3 stars.

Which brings the final average to 4 and puts my grade for this movie at a B+

(On the A to F scale)

While I do understand that Direct To Video Erotica usually has to be produced on a rather tight budget in a reasonably short amount of time ... My mind can see so many little elements that would have been easy to include and would have pushed the entertainment factor a solid step higher.

Travis Clemmons

***  LEGAL NOTICE  ***

All Images in this article are stills from the Motion Picture being reviewed and “Limited Fair Use For Review Purposes” is the only legal right I have in this matter. All ownership and copyrights are strictly the property of the Production Company mentioned in this review or its legal successor.


Lucy Purr

Becoming A New Woman
Part 1

This Video is the First Episode in a series of Mad Scientist Tales from Torvea Films.  (

In the traditional Mad Scientist Genre, it is almost a Story Telling Commandment that you must have a Damsel In Distress. And the main element of this story group involves a man who is unhappy with the nature of the basic female. Because basic is always out of balance somehow.

Too Tall
Too Short
Too Intelligent
Too Lacking Intelligence
Too This And That And The Other.

So why not take the best qualities from about a dozen carefully selected young women and scientifically combine them into the absolutely perfect blend. And owing to the fact that no young woman in her right mind would agree to be part of such a process ... This Mad Scientist will have put his plan in motion by following the Tried and True Method.

Kidnap them and force them to do what he wants.

So a young lady has received a coupon for a Free Product or Service.  And all she needs to do is be at a particular address at a particular time.  But once she arrives at the agreed upon location, her existence is drastically changed.

The main challenge in properly reviewing a Torvea Video is that each story (or story group) is essentially a Custom Product which was created for an audience of One. A Man or Woman has submitted a desired plot line and a suggestion or two on the Model or Models who should be hired. Then Torvea begins with that info and brings forth a product which will hopefully appeal to the initial customer while also being something a certain portion of the general populace might find entertaining.

Keeping these facts in mind ... I’ll attempt to review “Becoming A New Woman: Part 1” from two different sides of the same coin.

A: If I had been the Patron who paid for the initial creation.

B: If I am an individual who sees this product advertised on the Torvea Web Page and decides to buy it for my own enjoyment.

The delightful Lucy Purr is a very good choice for Damsel Number One. Her face and body enable her to look adorable as a Plain Jane or absolutely stunning as a Glamour Doll. And Lucy’s acting ability is quite solid. Hand the girl a basic script which dots and crosses all the proper letters and Lucy will provide a performance which helps the character be more than just a body placed in front of a camera. She underplays a bit here. She overplays a bit there. And step by step, she helps the story be a fine balance between drama, horror and camp.

And on the technical side of things, there is a lot to be pleased with. This is not the type of “Shoot It & Post It” video that is being cranked out way too often these days. The lighting, sound, camera work and editing are all a serious step above the usual fare. And the small number of special effects are delightfully campy. They nicely enhance the plot but this Production Company doesn’t make the mistake of using them to substitute for plot.

So by and large ... I believe both the Initial Patron and the General Viewer have solid reasons for enjoying this video. But going back to the subject of plotting, this General Viewer finds himself slightly disappointed by the fact that Lucy remains totally clothed during the course of her entire performance (as do the Models in the Sequel Videos). In my opinion, a bit of clothing loss or tearing would have nicely enhanced the perception of Damsel helplessness in this type of story.

It isn’t that I would want to see the girl completely naked. But taking her down to just her bra and panties would be a delightfully campy way of showing just how obsessed the Mad Doctor is with having things exactly his way. And if the video had included a scene of her struggling against his forcibly removing her outer clothing, that would have added another nice touch to the story line.

So on the scale of A to F:

I’m going to give this short Motion Picture an A-

While it does rise way above a lot of the Custom Video Production taking place during this era of inexpensive medium quality Sound and Video equipment ... I sincerely believe it would have been made even better by including a couple of Camp and Drama touches which could have been very easy to add in.

Travis  Clemmons


All Images in this article are stills from the Motion Picture being reviewed and “Limited Fair Use For Review Purposes” is the only legal right I have in this matter. All ownership and copyrights are strictly the property by the Production Company mentioned in this review or its legal successor.

Erotic Movie Review: Dominate Me

Dominate Me

A Video from TUSHY . COM

Staring Leigh Raven & Mick Blue

What I like most about Leigh Raven is that she can dance equally well on all three sides of the Persona Triangle.

The girl is quite striking when walking and talking the BUTCH STRUT, adorable when simply playing the TOM BOY and delightfully enticing when adopting a persona much more GIRLY & FEMININE. And the folks at TUSHY have done a nice job of tailoring this story to the talents of someone who is so good at being Triple Threat.

Having complemented them on this production, I sincerely wish they'd gone one step further in their story telling.

Mick Blue plays the part of a pissed off Businessman who isn't happy with a Downtown Shopkeeper played by Leigh. Something she did is causing him a strong degree of embarrassment and he is threatening legal action.

If truth be told, the girl would most likely win if he attempted to sue her or have her arrested. But can her little shop really weather all the bad publicity that might be generated by the situation?

And on the other hand, will Mick wind up looking like a Total Ass if he tries to drag someone like Leigh through the Bad Publicity Grinder?

Clearly ... The two of them need to work something out behind closed doors. So they've agreed to a private meeting at his home.

The story unfolds in 2 Acts which can basically be divided into 6 Scenes. 1, 2 & 3 are the process of leading up to Anal Penetration. 4, 5 & 6 are the various ways Mick penetrates Leigh Anally.

And I do wish to praise the people at Tushy for producing a well crafted and solidly entertaining Porn Story with a Nicely Designed Plot. At the same time, the Erotic Author inside of me wishes they had put just a tad more effort into the process of giving each Scene its own personality.

1. Leigh Arrives at Mick's home. She's wearing skimpy cutoff jeans, a similar top and her hair is a buzz cut. It's easy to see that Mick will think she's cute and probably ask her for a sexual favor or two, in exchange for him agreeing to back away from the threatened legal action.

After the two of them have negotiated an agreeable solution and engaged in a couple of wet kisses, Mick hands Leigh a package of very elegant lingerie and makes it clear she needs to change into this outfit before the two of them continue their "settlement negotiations".

2. Leigh has changed into the outfit and returns to Mick. This is followed by him leading her into giving him a Deep Throat Blowjob.  Something which she actually winds up enjoying as much as he does.  It's clear that her ego is rising to the challenge he is setting for her.

I would have put the blowjob scene before the clothing change. Have him shamelessly make use of the Tom Boy's mouth during Scene 2 and then make it clear to Leigh that she needs to appear a tad more feminine and dainty before he allows her to continue working off her debt.

I would also have placed a wig in the bag with the lingerie. This could have produced an intriguing moment where Leigh is changing into the outfit and she stares at the mirror and asks her reflection "Is all of this really worth it?"

3. This was straight on vaginal sex and I wouldn't have seen a need to do anything different.

4. At the beginning of this scene, I would have had Mick say that she is almost too experienced at giving sexual pleasure. It's a bit of a shame I never had the opportunity to claim your virginity. And Liegh could have pointed to her bottom and said "I'm still a Virgin here".

5. Near the end of this scene, I would have had Leigh's wig fall off. She's suddenly afraid that she's broken the mood but Mick starts laughing a bit and this causes her to start laughing.

6. And the story continues with him doing another round of having her anally.

As the story ends, each of them is completely satisfied with their business arrangement.

And having provided my slightly different take on what my production of this story would have been, I do have to add that I don't think I could have done a better job than the folks at Tushy have done. My version on the story would simply have been slightly different and involved a tad more story telling.

I do sincerely hope Leigh Raven finds a reason to work with these people again.

So to make a long story short ...  When it comes to Dominate Me - Staring Leigh Raven & Mick Blue ...

Buy It!     You'll Enjoy It!

S. T. Clemmons

Showgirls & Polegirls - Valerie Mae

Dear Valerie,

The next time you're going to perform at a competition or a showcase ...

Please warn me if you're planning on being a  T.S.D.  that evening.


I'm asking for this favour because you almost caused me to have a nervous breakdown the evening of Showgirls and Polegirls.

Each time I had my camera focused on you and I thought I was ready to take the shot ...  You were suddenly somewhere else.

Please don't get me wrong.

You did an amazing show.  Especially the couple of times you did a leap towards the pole and latched yourself onto it using only your legs.

I just wish I'd had the opportunity to capture more of you doing those types of tricks.

So give this Old Boy a bit of warning next time Girl.

Then I can set the cameras up in video made and let them do all the hard work  

And did I mention that it was a  FANTASTIC  performance?

Showgirls & Polegirls - Bliss

Bliss is a tall girl who has the balance of a somewhat smaller girl.

And that can be very important when doing something athletic.  When I watched her at the show ...  Her movements were often slow, sensual and nicely dramatic.  Then the girl would make a sudden unexpected maneuver and my brain would be pondering ...

"How The   *&^%$#   Did She Do That?"

Bliss was someone who didn't simply cling to the poles and wind up forgetting about the audience.  She clearly understood that they were there to see her flirt.  So she gave them this and then she allowed herself to feed off their interest.

She handed us a solid performance and I enjoyed it very much.

And if you'd like to know even more from the world of exotic and erotic entertainment ...

Travis Clemmons

Showgirls & Polegirls - Keira

I have to admit that as I was sorting through my pictures ...

I found myself both loving and hating Keira.

Loving the fact that so many of the shots turned out incredibly well.  And then wanting to tie the girl to a chair and toss marshmallows at her for the fact that I had to sift through so many pics to select the 19 best.

I easily narrowed the portfolio down to 50.

Then trimmed a bit more to get 35.

Started wincing as I pushed for 25.

And getting it below 20 was almost causing me to pull my hair out.

And then I was afraid that it would somehow look like I was playing favourites ...  Showing more than 15 pictures of this gal when most of the others were lucky to get only 7 or 8.  But the truth of the matter was that her body movements and the timing of the lights were working perfectly together.  And that is how I got so many good shots of Keira.

I do have to say that i would have liked just a bit more stage play.  A bit more strutting from one pole to the other ...  Sauntering a bit and flirting with the audience.

Because she kind of planted herself at one pole and mostly stayed there.

But what Keira did was very good and I look forward to the opportunity to see her do another performance.

And if you'd like to know even more from the world of exotic and erotic entertainment ...

Travis Clemmons

Showgirls & Polegirls - Pussy Willow

My initial impression of Pussy willow was not that favourable.

But about a third of the way through her performance, I saw something click between her and the music.  So after the routine was over, I asked my wife if she had noticed anything sort of disconnect between the Dancer and the Sound Track.

K's responded that this did appear to be the case.  That the girl had initially seemed surprised by what popped up at the starting point, and sort of had to make it up as she went along until the music came along that she was actually planning to dance to.

So ...

Congratz to a girl who recovered well from a false start.  And I hope she doesn't have to face this again in the near future.

And if you'd like to know even more from the world of exotic and erotic entertainment ...

Deanna Deadlee: Video Shoot (Part I)

This past Saturday ...

I had the pleasure of doing a 4 hour video shoot with the Lovely, Talented and Delightfully Sassy Deanna Deadly (aka Deanna Deadlee).

It was a very enjoyable experience and a fair amount of hard work.  But we managed to put a fairly large amount of video into the storage cards and I posted the first completed story on my store Monday Night.

"Pissed  Off  In  Pantyhose"

Available  as  MP4  or  WMV

Deanna plays the part of Melanie Scarlett ...  A Fetish Diva who was quite happy to have met a handsome gentleman who adores her legs and is perfectly happy to buy Stockings, Pantyhose and Lingerie for her.

But now Melanie has discovered that she isn't the only Fetish Doll in Tony's life.  And this Red Headed Bitch Queen plans on following her Mother's favorite motto. Don't Get Mad ... Get Even!

What follows is her finding a very creative way of getting revenge. Ripping up the pantyhose he gave her ... In a video that explains to his friends, his family and the rest of the world why she's doing this.

I sincerely hope you enjoy.

And to learn more about the world of erotic entertainment ...  Check out Tony Battman and Planet Platypus.

Travis Clemmons