Lucy Purr

Becoming A New Woman
Part 1

This Video is the First Episode in a series of Mad Scientist Tales from Torvea Films.  (www.torveafilms.com)

In the traditional Mad Scientist Genre, it is almost a Story Telling Commandment that you must have a Damsel In Distress. And the main element of this story group involves a man who is unhappy with the nature of the basic female. Because basic is always out of balance somehow.

Too Tall
Too Short
Too Intelligent
Too Lacking Intelligence
Too This And That And The Other.

So why not take the best qualities from about a dozen carefully selected young women and scientifically combine them into the absolutely perfect blend. And owing to the fact that no young woman in her right mind would agree to be part of such a process ... This Mad Scientist will have put his plan in motion by following the Tried and True Method.

Kidnap them and force them to do what he wants.

So a young lady has received a coupon for a Free Product or Service.  And all she needs to do is be at a particular address at a particular time.  But once she arrives at the agreed upon location, her existence is drastically changed.

The main challenge in properly reviewing a Torvea Video is that each story (or story group) is essentially a Custom Product which was created for an audience of One. A Man or Woman has submitted a desired plot line and a suggestion or two on the Model or Models who should be hired. Then Torvea begins with that info and brings forth a product which will hopefully appeal to the initial customer while also being something a certain portion of the general populace might find entertaining.

Keeping these facts in mind ... I’ll attempt to review “Becoming A New Woman: Part 1” from two different sides of the same coin.

A: If I had been the Patron who paid for the initial creation.

B: If I am an individual who sees this product advertised on the Torvea Web Page and decides to buy it for my own enjoyment.

The delightful Lucy Purr is a very good choice for Damsel Number One. Her face and body enable her to look adorable as a Plain Jane or absolutely stunning as a Glamour Doll. And Lucy’s acting ability is quite solid. Hand the girl a basic script which dots and crosses all the proper letters and Lucy will provide a performance which helps the character be more than just a body placed in front of a camera. She underplays a bit here. She overplays a bit there. And step by step, she helps the story be a fine balance between drama, horror and camp.

And on the technical side of things, there is a lot to be pleased with. This is not the type of “Shoot It & Post It” video that is being cranked out way too often these days. The lighting, sound, camera work and editing are all a serious step above the usual fare. And the small number of special effects are delightfully campy. They nicely enhance the plot but this Production Company doesn’t make the mistake of using them to substitute for plot.

So by and large ... I believe both the Initial Patron and the General Viewer have solid reasons for enjoying this video. But going back to the subject of plotting, this General Viewer finds himself slightly disappointed by the fact that Lucy remains totally clothed during the course of her entire performance (as do the Models in the Sequel Videos). In my opinion, a bit of clothing loss or tearing would have nicely enhanced the perception of Damsel helplessness in this type of story.

It isn’t that I would want to see the girl completely naked. But taking her down to just her bra and panties would be a delightfully campy way of showing just how obsessed the Mad Doctor is with having things exactly his way. And if the video had included a scene of her struggling against his forcibly removing her outer clothing, that would have added another nice touch to the story line.

So on the scale of A to F:

I’m going to give this short Motion Picture an A-

While it does rise way above a lot of the Custom Video Production taking place during this era of inexpensive medium quality Sound and Video equipment ... I sincerely believe it would have been made even better by including a couple of Camp and Drama touches which could have been very easy to add in.

Travis  Clemmons


All Images in this article are stills from the Motion Picture being reviewed and “Limited Fair Use For Review Purposes” is the only legal right I have in this matter. All ownership and copyrights are strictly the property by the Production Company mentioned in this review or its legal successor.