Erotic Movie Review: She's No Dummy

Gia  Milana

She's  No  Dummy

A “Doctor Adventures” Tale From BRAZZERS

Doctor Bambino’s work day has been on schedule and moving in the proper direction. Then life suddenly hands this fellow a rather odd twist as he’s returning from his lunch break.

As the man steps into his office, Bambino discovers that his new anatomically correct Teaching Dummy has arrived. And this is very good news for the man. The old one had most certainly seen better days and this new model is much more lifelike and easy to pose.

BUT ...

Did the shapely mannequin change the position of one of her hands while his back was turned for just a moment? Bambino sincerely remembers both arms loosely dangling by her side before he turned and took a few steps towards his desk. But now the right hand seems just an inch or two away from that perfectly formed artificial vagina.


This obviously has to be impossible.

This incredibly attractive Doll is little more than a bendable stainless steel skeleton ...

Covered by a shapely and squeezable silicone body ...

Then topped with a Betty Page style brunette wig?

And just for the sake of being silly, some smart ass decided to dress her in that skimpy knockoff of a nursing uniform before shipping the carton to him?

Or ...

Might this lovely synthetic body actually contain a human like personality which longs to be caressed and embraced by the handsome Doctor who has just opened her shipping crate. And if this is the nature of what she truly is ... How far will this lovely Doll go to gain the attention and affection she craves?

And the story plays out from there.

So far, I’ve only highlighted various bits and pieces of the first 5 minutes in this nicely produced 32 minute motion picture. But unfortunately ... If we take out the first 5 and the final 3 ... The remaining 24 minutes are a straight through Fuck & Suck Marathon between Gia Milana and Bambino.

And please don’t get me wrong. I’m all for showing a solid amount of sex during an X Rated Motion Picture. It’s just that the center part of this production was 2 dozen non stop minutes of the guy and the gal doing various forms of copulation.

And in this reviewer’s opinion, the plot line and pacing of this tale really needed a good 3 or 4 instances when Bambino’s enjoyment of the new Anatomy Doll were being occasionally interrupted by someone wanting his attention. Stop the sex for just a moment and show both the Doctor and the Doll being thoroughly frustrated by the fact that the two of them just can’t get a break.

What if a Nurse is needing some paperwork signed or a Delivery Man is worried he might have handed the Doctor the wrong crate. So now he’s making sure the Doctor was supposed to get the 6 foot tall box and not the smaller one that contained a new computer monitor. Or maybe the Nurse keeps realizing today’s mass of paperwork still needs one more signature.

And a small handful of these interruptions could have presented delightful situations where someone unexpectedly knocking on the door decides to spend a few seconds admiring the sensual perfection of the new Teaching Dummy. And the more Bambino tries to slyly ease this individual out the door, the more he or she seems determined to remain for just a few more seconds.

So during those instances where Bambino wants nothing more than to get his rocks off in as many ways as possible, the person who keeps knocking at the door keeps humorously delaying the man’s attempts at achieving satisfaction. And this would also allow the Doll to clearly show the intense degree of sexual frustration she is experiencing.

Because she’s not supposed to have feelings. But something about this good looking Doctor allows him to see her true nature and give her the opportunity to be almost perfectly human when the two of them are alone together. But then that third or fourth person keeps stepping into the room and this causes the gal to revert to nothing but an emotionless plastic life sized Action Figure when any eyes other than Bambino’s are focused on her.

And all of this commotion could have caused the actual sex to be twice as enjoyable for this viewer. Because it would have spaced everything out just a bit and allowed the love making between the two of them to sincerely feel stolen instead of just being an easy 30 minute fuck fest.

So on a scale of 1 to 5 Stars ...

The acting performance of Gia Milana and Bambino receives a full 5. Each is a good performer and the two of them dance together quite nicely.

The sound, lighting and camera work brings in another 4 Stars. While everything was properly credible, nothing came across as outstanding.

But the story plotting (with its long session of runway sex that grew old fairly quickly) is being handed only 3 stars.

Which brings the final average to 4 and puts my grade for this movie at a B+

(On the A to F scale)

While I do understand that Direct To Video Erotica usually has to be produced on a rather tight budget in a reasonably short amount of time ... My mind can see so many little elements that would have been easy to include and would have pushed the entertainment factor a solid step higher.

Travis Clemmons

***  LEGAL NOTICE  ***

All Images in this article are stills from the Motion Picture being reviewed and “Limited Fair Use For Review Purposes” is the only legal right I have in this matter. All ownership and copyrights are strictly the property of the Production Company mentioned in this review or its legal successor.