Ryan Ashley - Grand Prix of Exotic Dance

( Originally published on Blogger  07-17-2014 )

- - -  Information  Update  - - -
All photos which have been credited in this article as "Python University Productions" were courteously provided by Erebus Photo.  During the initial publication of the article ...  Erebus Photo was functioning under an "Exclusive Rights Agreement" with another organization.  So I was unable to properly credit the Photographer at that point in time.

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If anyone ever asks my opinion about Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) or Matrix Revolutions (2003) ...  I'll usually hand them the following answer.

On it's own ... It's actually a pretty good movie.  But it's a rather poor sequel to an already established product.  And the reason for this is that it basically sidesteps the reality that was created in the previous set of stories.

But this is supposed to be my review of the dance performance of Ryan Ashley in the 2014 edition of the Grand Prix of Exotic Dance.  So let me get down to talking about the pretty girl and I'll swing back around to the Sci Fi babbling later on.

In order to properly compete in a contest like GPED ...

-A -
You have to be reasonably Attractive.

Ryan Ashley is Incredibly Beautiful.

- B -
You have to be Talented.

Ryan Ashley is at the top of the Talent Hill.

- C -
You have to have a complete bag full of Strategies.

When a competitor adds a new and different spin to the game ...  You have to be able to present a strategy which negates what they've just done by showcasing your talents in an even better way. And this is where Ryan unfortunately came up a step short at the Grand Prix of Exotic dance.

On Friday night ...  In the preliminary round ...  Everyone came in essentially blind.  While it's true that some of the dancers might have crossed paths before, at club bookings or at other competitions, no one knew the total story on anyone that particular evening.

Had A changed her hair color?

Had B learned some intriguing yoga moves and poses?

Had C come up with a costume idea?

And so on and so forth.

In that evenings competition ...  Ryan was quite Lovely and incredibly Hilarious.  Her Wind Up Doll routine was a joy to behold and she transitioned effortlessly into an impressive Pole Dance Session and then a delightfully erotic Milk Bath.  Everything fit perfectly from stem to stern.  Not a single loose nut or bolt in any part of the construction.


Then came Saturday Evening's Final Round ...  And her opening totally knocked me out of my chair.  This Ogre of a man carried a kicking and clawing Ryan Ashley onto the platform and callously tossed the girl into a cage.

All masked and bound up in tight black leather ...   A frantic and psychotic Ryan Ashley threw herself against the bars and snarled at the audience as she struggled to gain her freedom.

Freedom brought with it the opportunity to do an equally tormented Pole Performance.  And I found myself waiting in rapped anticipation as I wondered what was going to happen next.

Which is when she faltered and fell into her own personal Matrix Revolutions conundrum.

Ryan ended that evening's performance with a Paint Bath.  Essentially a repeat of the previous evening's Milk bath.  And while it was a lovely and sensual presentation ...  It totally killed the tormentedly erotic mood that had been building during the previous several minutes.

Not a bad routine at all.

Simply an improper sequel to the Psychotic Bitch Queen in a Cage who had been turning up the pressure cooker and causing our adrenalin to push us along at full blast during the first two parts of her Saturday Evening Presentation.

In my sincere opinion ...  Act III needed to be even more Nut Case Fingernails on the Chalkboard Crazy than the first two parts ...  But she avoided going there.

And that was what robbed Ryan Ashley of her best chance at taking first place at GPED. At the very point when she should have been turning up the fire under the Pressure Cooker ...  Ryan made the mistake of turning it down a notch.  An unfortunate error that caused her to finish in Third Place instead of First or Second.

Having handed Ryan Ashley this bit of criticism ...  I can't wait to see the Lovely Lady perform again.

Travis Clemmons

Trinity Turner - Grand Prix of Exotic Dance

( Originally published on Blogger  07-08-2014 )

- - -  Information  Update  - - -

All photos which have been credited in this article as "Python University Productions" were courteously provided by Erebus Photo.  During the initial publication of the article ...  Erebus Photo was functioning under an "Exclusive Rights Agreement" with another organization.  So I was unable to properly credit the Photographer at that point in time.

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Prior to GPED ...  I was not at all familiar with the work of Trinity Turner.  One of those situations where both of us were fairly well known in the Entertainment World but our paths had never come anywhere close to crossing.

On the first evening of the competition ...  Trinity didn't really impress me to any great degree.  Which meant that I was really in for a surprise on the second night, when the Blonde Dynamo came close to knocking me out of my seat.

Why was there such a difference between Evening 1 and Evening 2?  In a nutshell ...  It all boils down to what she did versus what I was expecting.

When it comes to my standards for reviewing a Performance Contest ...  I'll start by saying that I earned my Wings in the Costume & Talent Competitions at Science Fiction and Fantasy Conventions.

*    A member of the Event Staff
*    A Talent Show Contestant
*    A Talent Show Judge

And these gatherings are a place where both the Audience and the Judges can be incredibly unforgiving.

Each contestant has no more than 2 minutes to get the job done.  That's an allowed time of only 120 seconds to step onto the stage, show off the costume, perform a skit that keeps the audience entertained and then get the Living Daylights out of there.

At 121 seconds ... You're disqualified.  Trust me on this, I've seen the penalty flag get dropped way too many times on novices who didn't seem to understand that the 120 second mark was a Stop Sign.  It didn't matter that their costumes were stunning and their performances were hilarious.  He or She went over the time limit and their score immediately became ZERO.

With this being the Swamp I crawled out of ...  I will admit to being somewhat impatient when it comes to a Dancer starting her performance.  Even though she might have something like 4 or 5 minutes to complete her routine, I don't want to watch her stand there for 30 seconds and do not much more than look pretty and show off her outfit.  Not even 20 seconds.

In fact ...  15 seconds is almost too long for me.

Which meant that Trinity's Barbie Doll routine came close to sinking the girl on her first evening.

The Collector's Edition Display Box was a really neat idea.

The girl's look was incredibly adorable.

But too little happened over the course of the first minute.

And after that stumbling and staggered opening ...  Trinity was going to have to work twice as hard to get someone like me to cut her any slack during the following few minutes.  In my mind ...  She'd completely blown that evening's opportunity.

Thankfully for her ...  Evening 1 was a practice round for the Ladies in the Princess Division.  The only scores that really mattered to the Judges were the ones that would be handed out on Evening 2.  Which is where that Gal forced this Reviewer to take my limited expectations and toss them right out the window.

On that Second Evening of the Event ...  Trinity Turner was something close to a Force Of Nature.

Sweet, Sexy & Sassy!

Nonstop Action and flirtation ...  Well balanced by Humor and Athleticism.

And it wasn't that I'd forgotten about Evening 1.  It was simply that I no longer cared.

Walking into Evening 2, I was a skeptic.  Walking out, I was a fan.

Looking back on it all ...  Trinity seemed quite a bit more comfortable as a Cowgirl than a Barbie Doll.  And maybe that's the point of it all.  Go with what you know and be the best you can be at what you really are.

Whatever was going on ...  The Gal took first place in the Princess Division.

After leaving me and my friends thinking she was going to be outclassed by her competitors ...  The girl walked onto the stage that second evening and stole the trophy fair and square.

Travis Clemmons

My Evening @ Exxxotica Chicago

( Originally published on Blogger  07-14-2014 )

On Friday – July 12th … I enjoyed a lovely six hours at Exxxotica in Rosemont Illinois.

A major part of the fun was that I was being accompanied by my delightful friend Pixie. Someone my lovely wife and I trust to provide stimulating conversation, occasionally engage in silly flirtation and generally distract me from the fact that I'm surrounded by this ever growing mass of event attendees.

As long as I have someone to hold my hand and be the focus of my attention … I don't start having this irrational fear that the Zombie Hoard of several hundred people is truly a Zombie Hoard of several hundred people. Pixie does a marvelous job of being a friend and chasing away those anxiety gremlins.

The first booth that really caught my attention was JO.

I have a slight weakness for cute Tom Boys and Charlie was really ringing that bell for me. Pixie and I bought a couple of the JO products … I took this pic of Charlie and then we moved on from to another area.

About an hour later … Pixie and I crossed paths with Sheridan Love. I'd never known about this gal but I have to say that she is adorable. I'm pretty sure I became a fan of hers that evening.

The highlight of my evening was being able to spend a few minutes chatting with the delightful Tara Lynn Foxx.

I've been an admirer of hers for about five years and one of the things I most enjoy about Ms. Foxx is that she doesn't just depend on her beauty. The gal always brings a certain degree of acting and sly humor into her photo and video shoots.

And speaking of sly humor … Tara Lynn really enjoyed raking me over the coals when I had my picture taken with her. On most occasions … The Gal will get approached by 2 or 3 guys and all the boys take turns snapping pictures of each other standing next to her. But seeing that I was with a pretty girl … And assuming this girl was the Lady of my Life … Tara Lynn decided she was going to provide Pixie with the maximum possible amount of Blackmail Material.

As I was about to do the standard pose of gently placing my arm around Tara Lynn's shoulders … The little sneak turns to face me, grabs my hands, plants them on her bottom and then tells Pixie to take the picture.

And before I had the chance to even begin to think of blushing … Tara Lynn repeated that little trick by spinning around, putting my hands on her boobs and telling Pixie to take another picture.

Now don't get me wrong. I sincerely enjoyed the opportunity to grope the tits and ass of Tara Lynn Foxx. And my Lovely Evil Wife almost cracked up laughing when she heard the story and then saw the pictures.

But a little bit of fair warning would have been nice!

( and couldn't you just hear the little violin playing in the background as I was telling this story? )

So … Those are the highlights of my evening at Exxxotica Chicago. I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them.

Travis Clemmons

Phoenix Phires - Grand Prix of Exotic Dance

( Originally published on Blogger  06-30-2014 )

- - -  Information  Update  - - -

All photos which have been credited in this article as "Python University Productions" were courteously provided by Erebus Photo.  During the initial publication of the article ...  Erebus Photo was functioning under an "Exclusive Rights Agreement" with another organization.  So I was unable to properly credit the Photographer at that point in time.

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What I like most about Phoenix Phires is that she isn't afraid to take the Show Business Bull by the horns and ride it till one of them is too exhausted to go on any longer. And from what I've seen of this girl … My money is on the Bull giving out first.

Phoenix is athletic. She's imaginative. She's dedicated to practicing and performing. And she's just so damn sexy in that incredibly cute sort of way.

Competing against a very talented crowd of performers … Phoenix came in Second in the Princess Division at the 2014 Grand Prix of Exotic Dance. And with her high standards, incredible imagination and top notch work ethic … I have no doubt the girl will continue to climb even higher.

To learn a bit more about Phoenix … Click on this link to read the interview I did with her back in October of 2013.

Travis Clemmons

Valerie Mae - Grand Prix of Exotic Dance

( Originally published on Blogger  06-26-2014 )

- - -  Information  Update  - - -

All photos which have been credited in this article as "Python University Productions" were courteously provided by Erebus Photo.  During the initial publication of the article ...  Erebus Photo was functioning under an "Exclusive Rights Agreement" with another organization.  So I was unable to properly credit the Photographer at that point in time.

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This young woman's name is Valerie Mae.  Some of you might know her better by the Stage Persona of Mariah Pole.

If I asked you to describe the most important talent Valerie / Maria has ...  What would you say to me?

*    Her amazing sense of balance.

*    The strength of her arms and legs.

*    Her ability to spin herself at something close to Light Speed.

On any of those answers ...  You'd be just a bit off the mark.

The young woman's most important talent is her ability to pay attention and comprehend.

This past March, Valerie competed in the Vertical Pole Showdown at On The Border.  As talented as the young Woman is ...  The unfortunate news that evening was that three other Girls were somewhat better.  Mariah Pole missed the opportunity to compete in the finals by a single step on the ladder ...  Finishing the Preliminary Round in Fourth Place instead of Third.

About a week after the event ...  I asked Valerie if she would like for me to write her a “Personal Review”.  Essentially take the time to set down the things I saw as her doing right and wrong.  She eagerly said “YES”.

The entire review comprised two full pages and I'm not about to bore everyone by going through the damn thing line by line.  So I'll make this reasonably short by simply highlighting the three main points that I touched on.

- A -
The Pole is often your Dance Partner.  Don't make the mistake of letting it become the Crutch that you fear to let go of.

- B -
When a Stage has more than one Pole ...  You need to switch locations about every 45 to 60 seconds.  And as you are switching locations, it is occasionally a good idea to switch the style of the music.

- C -
Please remember that the best travel path, from one location to another, is usually not a straight line.  Take a bit of time to meander ...  Flirt with the audience ...  Show that you can perform without having to have the Pole there as your Security Blanket.

A few days ago ...  As I watched Valerie's performance in the Princess division of the Grand Prix of Exotic Dance ...  It was obvious that she had paid close attention to my advice.  And even more important than that ...  The Girl had obviously sought out the advice of others and learned a great deal from them in a short amount of time.

The basic Pole Dancing Skills were still evident.  But they were now the very strong framework for an incredibly well balanced routine.  A Multi Layered Presentation which enabled a Pole Dancer to compete head to head against Women who had trained as Strippers and Burlesque Performers.

Of the Five Contestants in the Princess Division that weekend ...  Mariah was the one who had strayed the farthest from her natural element.  Yet she stepped up to the stage and took Third Place.

The Girl was able to do this because she took the time to listen and learn.

*    She took my small pieces of advice
*    She combined these ideas with the advice of other people who surround this industry
*    She kept the basic framework of a Pole Performance
*    She built a solid structure on top of it

And in the span of only three months, a well trained Pole Dancer grew into a highly competitive Stage Performer.  Because she listened ...  And she learned ...  And she transformed her stage persona of Mariah into something much larger and more entertaining than what it had previously been.

Three  Cheers To  Valerie  Mae  !!!

Travis Clemmons

Movie Announcement - 100 Days Of Mind Control

( Originally published on Blogger  05-22-2014 )

Something a bit different for a change.

Instead of reviewing another person's movie or a book ... I'm going to take a few minutes to tell you about a 30 minute Erotic Drama I recently wrote and directed. It has just premiered on clips4sale.


100 Days Of Mind Control

The lovely and talented Amanda Marie performs the character of Raven, a young woman who is trying to find her emotional balance after a series of failed relationships.

Raven is finally coming to grips with the fact that she has an extreme emotional weakness for sexy young women. Each time the girl has allowed herself to become involved with another female, the situation has always been intensely physical and incredibly passionate. Yet each new situation has wound up falling apart within four to six months.

Desperately needing a new place to stay ... After her fling with Jill hit the brick wall ... Raven has allowed herself to enter into a “Friends With Benefits” agreement with an older man.

During the past month ... Kevin has been a perfect gentleman. Very happy when Raven chooses to have sex with him or simply cuddle up and fall asleep with him. And completely understanding of the fact that his young friend does need a room all her own. That private space where she can be alone with her thoughts, do some emotional sorting and consider the direction her life has been taking.

At the 30 Day Mark ... Raven is pleasantly surprised when she comes home from work and discovers a small gift from Kevin. A Jazz & Blues Mix he created to commemorate the first month of the two of them living together.

After putting on the ear buds, Raven presses the play button and starts enjoying the very relaxing music Keven selected for the play list. But after just a few moments ... A very strange set of thoughts begin popping into her brain.

I Am A Slave .......... A Pleasure Doll

Many of the people who read my articles have thanked me for the reviews I've posted of movies like Captive, Process, Sisters, and The Truth About Hypnosis. If you are a fan of any of these ... I sincerely believe “Raven: 100 Days Of Mind Control” is the type of story you would enjoy.

This video contains scenes of Edging ... Doing Housework while Nude ... Oral Training with a dildo … Hypno Training … and a few things more.

You can find it at the Mizz Amanda Marie page on clips4sale.

Simply click on the picture below.

Travis Clemmons


Camile Leon - Racy In Red

( Originally published on Blogger  04-14-2014 )

The people who know me well, clearly understand that I am a storyteller first and a photographer second. Because of this, I occasionally bend a camera rule here or there.

Sometimes it flops.

Sometimes it pays off really well.

The pictures featured here are my Top 10 from the final set Camile Leon and I did on April 9 of 2014. She'd arrived at my location in Vernon Hills at 10:00 AM and was promising that I had the use of her time and talents until 4:00 PM. Being a Southern Gentleman (and knowing she needed to drive back into Chicago for a rehearsal) I was doing my best to have her out the door before 3:30.

We'd spent the late morning and early afternoon doing several Burlesque Appropriate Pictures.



Garter Belt

Boudoir Poses

As we were ending the day … I wanted something a bit more “pared down”. A style of pictures and storytelling that essentially adhered to the concept of K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid).

So I asked Camile to dress herself in high heels, pantyhose and a very form fitting mini dress (actually a size medium women's spandex tank top). I then walked the girl to a very sparse area of the room and asked her to simply give me about two or three minutes of silly and flirtatious dance motion.

I focused on her general location … Put my camera into Auto Shoot …. And then told Camile to have at it.

The only lighting in the room was the sunshine streaming through the large window about twenty feet behind me. Because of this, the pictures appear a bit softer than they would have looked if I'd photographed Camile in a brighter location. But I think the softness actually adds a nice touch.

There is also a slight degree of graininess on the walls that could easily be confused with camera noise (which often occurs when a camera has been adjusted to take pictures in dim lighting). Most of this distortion is actually due to the stippled nature of the plaster board behind her.

If I'd taken a bit more time, I might have achieved a result which would have been more appealing to the “Photo Purists” of this world. But doing it my crazy way, I managed to allow the girl to change her clothes ... Walk her to her car and hug her goodbye … And watch her drive away when the time on my cell phone was reading as 3:17.

I'm happy with this set of pictures. I hope you've enjoyed them also.

Travis Clemmons

( Click On Any Picture To See A Larger Presentation )

Showgirl Interview: Vayda Kiss

( Originally published on Blogger  01-24-2014 )

Travis Clemmons::
At Stripperfest, you competed in both Queen of the Stage and Queen of the Pole. Which of those two styles of performing was your "First Love"?

Vayda Kiss::
At that competition, it was Queen of the Pole.

Generally speaking … Pole is how I started and I put everything I have into it.

I also do the stage competitions, because I really want to challenge myself. Can I kick my performance skills up a notch or two?

Travis Clemmons:
How much preparatory work goes into getting ready for a 2 night event like that one?

Vayda Kiss:
Physically, I'm always working out. So I'm always prepping in that sense. And that part of prepping is balanced by hot baths with epsom salts.

I usually have my music chosen 2 weeks prior (or more). But my music choice can occasionally change a day or two before the competition. Sometimes it will change that very day. A lot of it depends on my mood or maybe I hear something new and I know I absolutely have to use that.

If I have the time to spend, I'll allow myself 3 or 4 days to pick and choose the costumes.

Travis Clemmons:
Besides Stripperfest 12 ... What competitions have you been in?

Vayda Kiss:
Quite a few.

My first Skindustry contest was Stripperpalooza in 2011.

Other than that, I won Midwest regional Pole Champ to qualify for the Miss Pole Champ USA finals in 2011, which I placed 1st in!

Clearwater Pole Champ in 2012.

Miss Pole Champ Florida and Spacecoast Pole Champ held at bare assets in melbourne florida(fun comp!)

I was in the Miss Pole Champ 2013 competition and won best tricks

And the Northeast Pennsylvania comp this year and placed 1st in that.

Competitions are nerve wracking but challenging and FUN!

Its a great way to meet people with passion and that share interests with me but are different. I love Love LOVE it!


Travis Clemmons:
How long have you been in the business?

Vayda Kiss:
For 7 years!

Its addicting. lol

If I quit ... I'd still rock stripper heels!

They'll have to pry those off of my cold dead feet.

Travis Clemmons:

And how long did it take you to become a "Featured Dancer"?
Vayda Kiss:
I became a feature because of winning Miss Pole Champ USA! I never saw myself doing that but the more time goes on and the more bookings I get ..... the more comfortable I get and I love it more with every place I go!

Travis Clemmons:
If we had the opportunity to spend a couple of days together. And the purpose was to give me three opportunities to photograph you.

In a Home Setting

In a Studio

Out and about

Which version of Vayda Kiss: would be seen in each set of photographs?

Vayda Kiss:

Quiet peaceful Vayda, at home. I'm usually cuddled up with my pup reading a good book or watching hulu. lol.

Studio ... I would probably just like to listen to my favorite songs and allow you to photograph the moods they put me through.

Out and about is usually to get coffee or ht the salad bar or walk my dog and I'm home again. So those are the kinds of pictures you'd get in that setting.

Travis Clemmons:
And what style of dress up -- or glamor --- or contentment would you want each set of pictures to reveal?

Vayda Kiss:
Home - just a t-shirt and some pretty panties. lol

Studio - athletic

Out and about - I'm almost always in heels (Because I'm short - so I love my heels)


Travis Clemmons:
How tall are you?

Vayda Kiss:
5'1" and 3\4

But good things come in small packages, Travis!

Travis Clemmons:
And it makes it much easier for you to sit on a gentleman's knee

Vayda Kiss:
I guess it does. I still go visit Santa at Christmas time.


Just kidding.

Travis Clemmons:
I've heard that mall has had the same Santa for about 6 years now. They don't even have to pay him any longer.

Vayda Kiss:
Aww ... How nice of him to donate his time like that (smile).

Travis Clemmons:
And continuing with the basic "Girl Watcher" questions.

Eye Color?

Vayda Kiss:
Blue. But oddly hazel on the occasional day.

Travis Clemmons:
You have beautifully black hair ... But I've seen pictures of you as blond. What is the natural color for you?

Vayda Kiss:
Not sure anymore. lol

I'm a natural blonde. My mother scolded me for dying my hair dark brown. But I like it here on the dark side !

Travis Clemmons:
I personally enjoy it when a pretty girl's hair color matches her soul

Vayda Kiss:
Are you saying I have a dark soul, Travis?

Is this because of the leather and sub and dom books I read?

Because ... Once you look past those, you'll see I'm just a softy who loves romance.

Travis Clemmons:
I am saying it because the joke is that it is the "evil women" that I find beautiful (wink)

I find you beautiful ... So something in you has to be delightfully evil

Vayda Kiss:
I'm a woman.

I think that's enough evil in itself ... No?


Travis Clemmons:
Absolutely agree

And if I were going dress shopping for a certain lovely evil woman ... What are your measurements?

Vayda Kiss:
I honestly don't even know, I'm small or extra small.

If I see something I think looks cool - I WILL make it work.


My rings size is a 6 that's all anyone needs to know

Travis Clemmons:
Taking a moment to jump back to the types of stories you enjoy reading.

You've said that you have a fairly strong enjoyment of books and movies that fall into the same category as 50 shades.

Vayda Kiss:
Yes, Yes and Yes!


I love my books

But Anne Rice scares me

Travis Clemmons:
Anne Rice in general?

Or just her Vampire stuff

Vayda Kiss:
No. Not the vampire stuff.

I was very put off by the Claiming of Sleeping Beauty. Supposedly, if you like 50 Shades then you'd like that series.

It was totally not a good one for me.

Travis Clemmons:
I couldn't get into the Beauty series. But the wife and I would strongly recommend Exit To Eden. Good drama. Hilarious in certain places. And marvelous character development.

Vayda Kiss:
Ill keep that one in mind. I'm almost out of books

Beautiful Bastard is another good one.

Travis Clemmons:
I'll have to look that one up.

Turning to a different direction ...

Could you tell me a bit about your heritage and family background?

Vayda Kiss:
English and Welsh. My grandmother was Welsh hence my mother and I take after her petite size and my father was English

Or Welch? Not even sure if I spelled that right, Grammy would be ashamed.


Travis Clemmons:
Welsh is correct for the nationality.

Welch means you're drinking Grape Juice

Vayda Kiss:
I favor pineapple or white grape

When I was little we used to have wine made from the grapevines in the back yard

I never got to drink any of it

Travis Clemmons:
If I took you out to a nice restaurant ... And you could have any type of alcoholic drink you could think of ... What would be the top 2 choices

Vayda Kiss:
I don't drink at all anymore. But if I were drinking - Moscato or Vodka.

I like my wine white and my liquor clear. lol

Travis Clemmons:
Pretend that I've won an award for erotic fiction. You're my date for the evening. We're in Vegas for the Ceremony and you want all eyes to be on you and me.

How are you going to do your outfit and hair and makeup?

Vayda Kiss:
(1) I'd concentrate on my eye makeup. (2) Wear a red dress and some killer red or black heels. (3) Shiny earrings and have my hair pinned up. And I'd carry a small clutch purse so I could easily free one hand to give the Miss America Wave to our adoring public.


Travis Clemmons:
How high would the heels be?

Vayda Kiss:
5 inches

Travis Clemmons:
Would that be just the heel? Or would there be a bit of platform involved?

Vayda Kiss:

Small platform. Maybe an inch.

Travis Clemmons:
If I were going to buy a pair of heels for you ... What should I be looking for?

Vayda Kiss:
I like a thin heel. Nothing clunky

Travis Clemmons:
I like a Stiletto kind of gal

Vayda Kiss:
Heck yea!

And I don't like the shoes with the long point in the front

Travis Clemmons:
Shoe size?

Vayda Kiss:

Travis Clemmons:
I've noticed that yo have a touch of body art ... But you haven't gone really heavy into it.

What have you had done? And why?

Vayda Kiss:
I'm a symbol person. I really get into symbols and when I find one with a meaning that touches me, I want to mark myself with it.

My lower back is sanskrit and means "watched over". My mother studied Hebrew so she wasn't upset about it.

(first one I bought myself - lol).

My upper middle back is a Japanese symbol, featured in the show Heroes and means 'ability, strength, and power' - or 'gifted'.

(and before you ask which hero I am.......I'm the invincible cheerleader of course !)

What's on my shoulder blades is Chinese and they mean 'heart'(the same side as my heart) and 'spirit'. On my wrist is my newest one - "R.I.P T.B."

Travis Clemmons:
Have you considered having more tattooing done? Possibly a piercing or two?

Vayda Kiss:
I'm sure the day will come I will want 'just one more' lol but I'm content right now

I don't want to go too crazy with them

Travis Clemmons:
You often perform in lingerie and stockings on stage.

Is that mainly a professional thing? Or does any of this translate into your day to day or personal life in any way?

Vayda Kiss:
I actually don't all that much. You just happened to see me do a couple of sets where stockings incorporated in quite nicely.

I'm a Pole girl. So if I do wear stockings, they are mesh like you saw. Otherwise, I dance with my legs pretty much bare.

The bedroom wear remains a secret.

    A  Very   Dark   Secret!   


Travis Clemmons:
If you were in a high end professional career that required you to be "Top Notch all the time ...

Hosiery -- Stilettos -- Business outfit that needed an appropriately short skirt or dress -- Hair and makeup always done to the Nines

Could you thrive on that?

Or would it become a Brain Drain after a few weeks or months?

Vayda Kiss:
Well if you think about it ... Featuring does require those things.

I consider it to be high end and professional, and if I want to I can rock a sexy business suit (what guy doesn't love that). But as far as presentation, it does require you to be very top notch. Hair and make up done - photograph ready (if you will), and its fun and I do thrive on it.

But I also appreciate and thrive on down time, personal and relaxing time. Its a requirement to balance myself out.

Travis Clemmons:
And I sincerely appreciate your point of view on that.

But I meant the question to mostly refer to an 8 to 6 / Monday to Friday kind of thing.

Office work and corporate meetings and that sort of stuff.

Would that affect your answer any?

Vayda Kiss:
No. I think I would thrive on that very much. I like the business and attire and I like working with my brain.

Travis Clemmons:
If you accidentally learned that I was going to give you a slightly intimate ... But not overly expensive gift ... Something in the range or 50 to 100 dollars ...

As you came to the door to greet me ... What would you secretly be hoping for?

Vayda Kiss:
Jewelry or perfume.

Travis Clemmons:
Back to subject of Pole Performing ... You seem to go a bit "against the grain" in the way you do your Pole Dance act. You move past the basic booty shorts and bikini top style and take it up a notch or two.

Include a bit of an outfit.

Do a bit of stripping and stage dancing.

How did this come about?

Vayda Kiss:
I don't know that there's an exact "how". It's just how I am.

Pole dancing = Sexy Tasteful Tease.

Throw in some sequins and BAM!

Oh and HEELS!

Travis Clemmons:
And do you ever wonder or fear (at a competition) that you might be going a bit too far? That some Judge will ding you because you've strayed too much from Pole Dancing?

Vayda Kiss:
Not at all. All of what I do IS Pole Dancing, Travis. Part of my challenge to myself during a Pole Competition is 'how long can I stay up without touching the floor', during a stage category I will do both yes because stage is a stage performance. To me every performance is about Pole. I'm trying to train myself to be good at both, but my origin is the Pole.

Travis Clemmons:
In the clubs and the Stage Competitions ... There's a lot of silly innocent flirting going on between many of the dancers. Mainly as a way of building friendships and working off stress.

There also appears to be to be a solid minority of them who would welcome something a bit more intimate with another girl if the opportunity presented itself.

How do you navigate through all of this?

Vayda Kiss:
I can be very flirty on stage. It's a part of the performance and the business. If I don't give the guys and girls in the audience a reason to appreciate what they're seeing, I'm not earning money for myself or for the club.

When it comes to the girls I'm working around ... I always play nice but it doesn't go any farther than that. Most of the girls are very smart about that sort of thing. They usually can tell when someone is just engaging in silly flirting, to help deal with the hectic nature of putting on the show, and isn't really looking for more.

Travis Clemmons:
Have you ever had an instance where the "Light Bulb" sort of goes off above some girl's head as she realizes that you'd like to be a girl friend but not a Girl Friend?

Vayda Kiss:
I'm not saying that I've never been involved in a light bulb moment ... Just not on that type of issue.

When I travel and I'm just meeting people and establishing new relationships with people ... I'm playful but always professional. And I've never felt that vibe or had the awkward light bulb moment with anyone. I think they respect the distance I keep even though I am being a bit silly and playful.

Travis Clemmons:

You and I have talked a bit about "silly backhanded complements".

Like someone referring you you as a "wicked little vixen" or that sort of thing. When do you think these are appropriate?

Vayda Kiss:

Just not in church!


Travis Clemmons:
I agree on that (wink)

But what types of words or statements do you consider as having "gone too far"?

Vayda Kiss:
I joke around with my friends and that's an unspoken thing we all share, the fact that we call each other names. so when someone yells hussy across the room I raise my hand and laugh. I think it's not so much what is said but how. And who it is coming from.

Travis Clemmons:

If we're in a dating relationship ... How much would you be prone to tweak your style to help it be what I like?

The clothing you wear when we're together.

Trying foods or movies that I like.

That sort of thing.

Vayda Kiss:
Well if we were together, I would think it is because you already like my style.

So honestly, I wouldn't change a thing!


Travis Clemmons:
( chuckle )

Vayda Kiss:
But yes ... I am always open to new things. So if there was something someone I was dating wanted me to try ... 9 out of 10 I probably would.

Travis Clemmons:
Well ... There's a difference between changing and accommodating. Like if I wanted you generally wear skirts and dresses, instead of jeans.

I think it's okay to do a bit of bargaining. To say that you'll do that if I'll wash and wax your car once a week.

Vayda Kiss:
Well I already enjoy dresses and HEELS.

Travis Clemmons:
Even when it's a breezy July day and I've got you playing Mini Golf ?

(evil grin)

Vayda Kiss:
Heck yeah!

I want to make sure you're always eager to wash and wax my car.

Travis Clemmons:

How long have you been dancing professionally?

Vayda Kiss:
I've been a featured showgirl since 2011.

But I've been dancing since 2006 and competing since 2009.

Travis Clemmons:
Have you taken any college courses or done anything like that?

Vayda Kiss:
I have taken about a year of college courses.

Basically ... I graduated high school did some traveling. About 3 years later, I started school full time. Then went back and forth from full time to part time to full time and so on.

Then it was ... Okay, I'll take this business class.

And then I opened my own Pole dancing studio.

Travis Clemmons:
And do you still own and run a studio?

Vayda Kiss:
Not anymore. After I won Miss Pole Champ USA, that landed me a contract with A-List Features and I closed the shop and moved to Florida for a while.

Having the business was great but it was a LOT of work.

I really like it when I'm just dancing. It's enjoyment at its best. I make good money and I don't have the stress that comes with trying to run a business.

Travis Clemmons:
And where would you hope to be business wise in like 10 years?



Vayda Kiss:
Honestly, I don't know. I just know I'm going to keep moving in the fitness direction of things.

While I'm not anywhere near done with "Dancing" ... In the near future, I do plan on getting a certification to be a personal fitness trainer. And I would like to get more involved in yoga. And we shall see what other kinds of opportunities (if any) present themselves

Travis Clemmons:
What advice would you give to a young woman who was asking about trying something like Stripping or Pole Dancing as a profession? (Either teaching or Performing)

Vayda Kiss:
Follow your gut. Your heart can be misleading but your gut knows.

And if stripping is in the curiosity pot then go ahead and stir it. Just keep your head right, stay away from needless drama, concentrate on making money without selling your soul, save that money, and conquer the game.

If teaching Pole is something you want to do, then by all means be patient and encouraging when it comes to doing so. Sometimes things are hard for people to learn but the key is to never give up.

Travis Clemmons:
How would you define needless drama?

Vayda Kiss:
Being one of the girls who talks behind other girl's backs. That sort of thing.

There are times when you really need to express a legitimate complaint. But don't be one of those who will just gossip - gossip - gossip.

Travis Clemmons:
Anything else you'd like to tell the readers? Any points I might have missed that you'd like to touch on?

Vayda Kiss:
Hmmm ... Did i mention my addiction to HEELS?


Travis Clemmons:
Only 12 or 13 times (wink)

Vayda Kiss:

Travis Clemmons:
Do you possibly want to promote an upcoming event or do a bit to promote an agency or club you work with?

Vayda Kiss:

I book through A-List and Continental Features out of St. Petersburg Florida. So if anyone would like to have me ... That would be who you'd want to contact.

I'll be at Stripperpalooza in Kalamazoo in May, and would love all the support I can get.

And in June, for those on the west coast I will be featuring at the Crazy Horse in San Fransisco.

Follow me on FB, Twitter, and Instagram for updates.

And check out my spotlight on ModelsandMMA.com!

Travis Clemmons:
And now it's time to hug you goodbye and thank you for sharing a bit of interview time with me.

Vayda Kiss:
You are welcome.

And did I remember to mention that I really love Stiletto Heels?


The best Girlfriend I've Never Had

( Originally published on Blogger  01-29-2014 )

In the Summer of 2000, I'd recently been drug through a divorce.

While I wasn't the one who'd pushed the issue and filed the papers ... I also wasn't the one who'd spent the previous four years being loving and attentive and devoted while the other half of the partnership had been stuck in a downward spiral.

And just as I was beginning the process of leaving that soul sucking job and taking other measures to turn my life around ... Cally had come to the conclusion that I'd never be able to turn things around. And so she left.

Eighteen months later, just as I was getting my life back to something resembling normal, my mother unexpectedly died. Which meant that I found myself going right into another several months of emotional confusion.

In the middle of all of this, I'd wound up establishing an odd friendship with a Dancer by the name of Sondra Saxon. She was working at the Deja Vu in Lexington Kentucky. And unlike most of the other girls, she quickly saw that a part of me was broken and she took the time to become a small part of the fix.  By taking the time to actually be my friend.

Sondra could see that what I most needed was to simply sit at my table and watch the stage. Just get lost in what was taking place up there.

She'd come by my table. I'd buy her a drink. And we'd sit there and talk about the dancers for a few minutes.

What each girl was doing right and wrong.

What changes we'd like to see a girl make to her outfit.

And she made sure to spread the word to all the other Dancers that they weren't supposed to hustle me. If they did ... They'd wind up having a problem with her.

Just go to his table.

If he finds you interesting, he'll offer to buy you a drink.

Spend a few minutes talking with him about the girl on stage. And if he really wants a Table Dance or a Couch Dance ... He'll ask you for it.

And if he doesn't ask for a dance ... Just finish your drink and give him a hug and then move on.

Between 2000 and 2003 ... Sondra clearly understood that I had a bit of money ... And that I desperately needed a shoulder to lean on ... And it would have been very easy for some pretty little Vixen to sink her claws into me and drain away a lot of cash.

And she never allowed that to happen.

Sondra and I wound up becoming friends on My Space and Facebook.

We talked about a lot of the things that were going on in my life and her life.

And she often joked with me that I was the best boyfriend she'd never had.

After I'd met and married K ... She and Sondra would occasionally conspire against me. And Sondra once confided in K that there had been at least a half dozen times when she was about 2 molecules away from asking me out. But she always talked herself out of it because she didn't want to do anything that might possibly screw up the friendship she had with me.

That was what she most wanted from me.

That was what she was best able to give back.

So I dedicate this article to anyone who has ever had the privilege of knowing Sondra Saxon / Lisa Lowry.

The Absolute Best Girlfriend I Have Never Had.

Travis Clemmons

Pole Dancer Interview: Valerie mae

( Originally published on Blogger  01-14-2014 )

Freeze Clemmons!

I'm Special Agent Natasha Romanoff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Are we going to conduct this interrogation in a civilized manner?

Or do I have to ZAP you with my Phone LASER?

At dance competitions, you bill yourself as Mariah. What are the origins of that moniker?

Vãlërîë Mãë
That was my dancer name when I first started so I kept it. Everyone used to say I looked like Mariah Carey.

Is there any kind of strong line of distinction between the Valerie and Mariah?

Vãlërîë Mãë
Mariah is like my alter ego. I can do whatever as Mariah. I'm like superwoman. Valerie is my "professional" self.

And is Valerie a bit more shy or reserved?

Vãlërîë Mãë
I wouldn't say shy. But reserved yes. More like careful.

How did you get into Pole Fitness and Pole Dancing?

Vãlërîë Mãë
I started stripping when I was 18 years old and it just wasn't my thing. I found miss pole and it was meant to be. 

And how does the family feel about you being a Pole Instructor and Performer?

Vãlërîë Mãë
My mom is my biggest fan. She was at the Stripperpalooza when I placed first and she cried. She tells everyone about it. I'm very Grateful and fortunate.

Based on your comment about stripping ... Should I take it that you wouldn't want to do the type of Stage Work that Ladies like Vayda Kiss, Artemis Moon and Phoenix Phires are doing?

Vãlërîë Mãë
I think that they're features . Which in my mind, is like an ultimate stripper. The cream of the crop. If I had the charisma that those ladies have on stage, hell yeah I'd do more stage but I'm a poler. That's what makes me happy.

Makes sense.

So let's move on to the basic "Girl Watcher" questions.

How tall are you?

Vãlërîë Mãë
5' 4" in my bare feet. 6'0" to 6'1" in my heels.

And if I were going to buy a pair of high heels for you ... What should I be looking for?

Vãlërîë Mãë
Black 8" to 9" Pleasers.


Vãlërîë Mãë

Pleasers: The typical eye catching stiletto every woman should have in her closet ;-)

Gotcha ... As in "Pleasing the one you're with"

Vãlërîë Mãë

There's a brand or two that uses some variation of that name. And some girls just refer to any shoe of that style as a "Pleaser".

In defining the types of shoes that would qualify as "Pleasers" ...

Some spike heeled sandals?
Or does more than one of these styles qualify for that definition?

Vãlërîë Mãë
Pleasers can be all types of styles and colors. Some of the boots are pretty wicked.

And in that 8" to 9" of high heel ... How much would usually be caused by the platform?

Vãlërîë Mãë
In an 8" to 9" heel, roughly 4" would be the platform and the rest would be the way the shoe turns my ankle.

And are you more of a bare leg kind of gal? Or do you feel that the right hosiery can really help an outfit on certain occasions?

Vãlërîë Mãë
I do like stockings on some women in certain settings. However, I need my skin to stick to the pole so it's not realistic for me to wear them while performing.

Completely Understood.

Several girls have told me that (from a style standpoint) one of the disadvantages of pole performing is that you can't do as much dressing up on stage. That you basically have to do the booty shorts and the bikini top and maybe some high heels.

How do you work your outfits around that ... To get the maximum "Oh Yeah" factor from the audience?

Vãlërîë Mãë
I have been accessorizing my outfits since I started dancing. I love ankle cuffs ... Really like my ankles and feel naked it I don't have something on them. Hair and makeup are also super important In my mind as well. It's puts the whole package together.

One of the first things my wife and I noticed about you was those ankle cuffs. How did those make their way into your costume wardrobe?

Vãlërîë Mãë
I used to wear leg warmers religiously. They were just too bulky so I started playing with new ideas and whaaaalaaa! Mariah's ankle cuffs were born!! Lol

At the Science Fiction and FantasyConventions ... I met a lovely girl who was the manager and stage babe for an alternative rock band. At the Cons ... She was always wearing fairly large and ornate angels wings. When someone asked her about them in an interview ... She said "I honestly feel naked if I'm in public and I don't have them on"

Vãlërîë Mãë
Yes! Exactly. I feel like I'm missing a part of me if I don't have my ankle cuffs on.

And from a personal vs dancing standpoint ... How do you go about picking things like undies and lingerie?

Vãlërîë Mãë
Personally I love Victoria's Secret! (What woman doesn't?)

For dancing I am always in black booty shorts. Nothing fancy.

And if I were going dress shopping ... What are your measurements?

Vãlërîë Mãë
32 - 26 - 36

Eye Color?

Vãlërîë Mãë

If I asked you to be ready for a casual dinner (pizza / burgers / wings / or whatever) and a movie. What style should I expect to see when you open your front door and say hello?

Vãlërîë Mãë
I'm a jeans and hoodie type if girl. I do like to get dressed up once and awhile for a nice night.

And if we were doing that dress up date ... Fancy dinner and then a cabaret show or maybe a cocktail party?

Vãlërîë Mãë
A black dress and heels. Curly hair and very red lips.

Ever do the false eyelash thing?

Vãlërîë Mãë

I love long false lashes but they're bad for your natural lashes so I usually try to avoid them.

So ... Maybe for a really fancy event but mostly stay away from them?

Vãlërîë Mãë

Sometimes I throw them on when I want to feel elegant.

Trust me ... You have a touch of natural elegance My wife and I agree on that.

Vãlërîë Mãë
Thank you.

As best I've been able to determine ... I'm about 3/8 Cherokee. The rest is Welsh, English and French.

Could you tell me a bit about your background?

Vãlërîë Mãë
I'm mostly Norwegian and German. And I'm about 1/4 Cree.

Back in September, when I first met you, your skin appeared largely virgin and untouched. Since then, one of your arms appears to have had a very torrid love affair with a tattoo needle. What has brought all of that about?

Vãlërîë Mãë
I've always been in love with the art of tattoo. I'd already had my lower back and thigh done when we last saw each other.

I've always wanted a sleeve and finally had the time to do one on my right arm.

Do you plan on having illustrations done on any other body areas? The legs? Maybe a bit more on the back?

Vãlërîë Mãë
I do.

I plan on adding into my original pieces.

And how is the Cree part of your heritage involved in the pictures and patterns you are having done?

Vãlërîë Mãë
It's the main focal point.

I love that I come from a Native American background and I love the art. It was only right to add it to my temple.

And how do you define your body as "your temple"?

Vãlërîë Mãë
My body is a temple in that I was given this body and I plan on protecting it. I eat clean and exercise to help maintain my lifestyle. I choose to decorate my temple with my heritage, ideas and dreams.

And do you plan in doing all tattoos in black and flesh tone? Or will a bit of color sneak in here or there?

Vãlërîë Mãë
Black and white. I don't plan on adding any color

And if we were dating ... And I offered to pay for a special tattoo somewhere (as something like a birthday present) ... About how big would it be and about how much would it cost me?

Vãlërîë Mãë
I love big pieces. Seeing as I'm almost done with my right sleeve, I'd start adding onto some other part. It's $100/hr and I usually sit for around 3hours. So roughly $300.

So ... You'd be a "moderately expensive" sugar baby?

Vãlërîë Mãë
Haha yes!

There is a lot of money pumped Into my skin.

( And even though we're not dating, my birthday is in two months and the other arm is feeling a bit naked - wink wink)


Have you been conferring with Phoenix Phires?

Cause she throws that "even though we're not dating" bit of teasing at me from time to time ;-)

Vãlërîë Mãë
No LOL. We don't talk at all. Just coincidence.

( wink wink )


If "0" equals Total Tom Boy and "100" equals Total Sugar Baby ... Where do you think Valerie is on the number line?

And does your place on that line ever rise or lower ... Depending on the occasion or your mood? 

Vãlërîë Mãë
I'd say valerie stays around 25. The girl loves guns and cars. But she isn't afraid to get pretty once and awhile.

Mariah is at least an 85. A complete girly girl who's in love with makeup and rainbows and maybe a unicorn or two.

A lot of dancers, who are tattooed, have also had cosmetic surgery. Have you considered that in any way?

Vãlërîë Mãë
I had debated getting implants, but I was given this body and I have realized I'm happy with what I have.

At the Dance Classes and the Stage Competitions ... There's a lot of silly innocent flirting going on between many of the dancers. Mainly as a way of building friendships and working off stress.

Then there also appears to be to be a solid minority of them who would welcome something a bit more intimate with another girl if the opportunity presented itself.

How do you navigate through all of this?

Vãlërîë Mãë
I've never been hit on! I'd probably be like WTF!


I love being a woman because we can get away with the meaningless girly flirting. I truly believe it's pretty much all in fun.
You're in your early 20s.

Have you taken any college courses? Or was it pretty much a case of leaving high school and going straight into the working world?

Vãlërîë Mãë
I began working my senior year in high school. I hope once my life slows down some to go back to school.

And where would you hope to be business wise in like 10 years? 20? 30?

Vãlërîë Mãë
In 10 years I should have my own pole studio, graduated from collage, and no kids.

20 years I should have 10+ studios all over USA.

And in 30 years, I hope to be retired and living somewhere warm and still hopefully able to pole.

Any additional thoughts on where you'd like the personal part of your life to head?

Vãlërîë Mãë
No. That about sums it up.

What advice would you give to a young woman who was asking about trying something like Pole Dancing as a profession? (Either teaching or Performing)

Vãlërîë Mãë
I would urge them to take a pole dance class or two. It is crucial to the safety of the dancer.

And is physical conditioning a bit more important than many people initially believe?

Vãlërîë Mãë
It's important to learn but you don't have to be like that when you start.

At Miss Pole we start everyone at the beginning. Where to place your hands and feet. How to correctly execute a spin.

Then we build the strength needed to progress further.

But there's no major physical conditioning prerequisite before you begin learning how to pole. Just that you learn how to properly do the moves and care for your body.

Okay ... Anything else you'd like to tell the readers? Any points I might have missed that you'd like to touch on?

Do you possibly want to promote an upcoming event or the studio you work at? 

Vãlërîë Mãë
Besides being a competitive Pole Dancer ...

I'm the Office Manager at Miss Pole in Brookfield Wisconsin

We have been open more than 6 years

We also have locations in Madison and Kenosha

You can find us on line at ... www.misspole.com

Thank you for sharing this time with me.

Vãlërîë Mãë
You are very welcome.