Stripperfest: Princess Of The Stage

( Originally published on Blogger  10-09-2013 )

I was very happy to see that On The Border had placed a new category into this year's competition.

Princess of the Stage

The reason being that Stage Performing is a matter of combining at least two distinctly different styles.  Pole Dancing and Burlesque.

The fact that a Dancer is good at one style of performing, doesn't automatically make her good at the other.  Practice is needed.  And the best way to practice ... To hone your skills and build your self confidence ... Is to perform in front of an audience in an actual Competition.

But it can be difficult to coax new talent into showing up for Stage Competitions when 3 or 4 seasoned veterans have already made it close to impossible for one of the new kids to place much higher than 4th or 5th position.  Have a category like Princess of the Stage offers the opportunity to get your feet wet and see if you want to try for something more the next time around.

At Stripperfest 12, Phoenix Phires showed up to compete in both the Queen of the Pole and Princess of the Stage categories.  While her pole performance was quite good, it was her stage dancing and comedic skills that really shone through during the course of the weekend.

Now that she has been named Princess of the Stage, I'm looking forward to seeing her kick it up a notch and compete for Queen of the Stage.  I'm quit certain she has the performance talent for it.

Phoenix Phires:  Princess of the Stage - Stripperfest 12

Pictures 1 through 9 were taken by Tamie Yost with a Canon Rebel DTX or a Nikon D3200.

Picture 10 was taken by Travis Clemmons with a Nikon D3200.